CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

CM 2013 and MFPT 2013
CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Manufacturing Department Project Day - Cranfield University

Manufacturing Department Project Day is being held at Cranfield University on 28 April 2011. There are two parallel sessions, featuring a wide range of topics in manufacturing and maintenance, presented by some very good masters students.

09:00 Registration
09:45 Welcome and Introduction

Session 1
10:05 Maintenance and Cost of Ownership (BAE Systems)
10:40 Digitising of Aerospace Components to Enable 3D Solid Modelling
Design Manipulation (Airbus)
11:15 Tea/Coffee & Poster Show
11:50 Enterprise System for Engineering Knowledge in Aerospace Industry (EADS)
12:25 Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and Reuse (Airbus Operations Ltd)
13:00 Lunch & Poster Show
14:15 Systematic Development of Maintenance Offers, Plans & Exploitation of
Maintenance Records (Ministry of Defence and BAE Systems)
14:50 Virtual Planning Tool for a Machine line Tool Delivery System (Ford)
15:25 Tea/Coffee & Poster Show
15:55 Integrated Equipment Health Management Requirements for High Value Assets
(IVHM Centre)
Session 2
10:05 Design and Development of a Service System for a Functional Intraocular
Lens Device (Bedford Hospital NHS Trust + Cranfield IMRC)
10:40 Optimisation of Operations - Growth Management (Peter¹s Food)
11:15 Tea/Coffee & Poster Show
11:50 Organics for the Future (Produce World)
12:25 Sourcing for Life (Produce World)
13:00 Lunch & Poster Show
14:15 Manufacturing System Design (Brompton Bicycle Ltd)
14:50 Sustainability Assessment of Plastic Sheets Piling (Aldridge Piling Equipment)
15:25 Tea/Coffee & Poster Show

Registration: Please contact Ms Kayleigh Brennan ( by 21 April 2011

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