CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

CM 2013 and MFPT 2013
CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

Friday 21 October 2011

Industrial wireless for machine condition monitoring

In the early 2000s, when reliable technology came into being that allowed industrial process and measurement data to be transmitted wirelessly from sensors to the plant information systems, it seemed natural to develop these technologies into workable solutions due to the challenges associated with traditional methods. The price of copper rose steadily and became unpredictable, whilst cable theft and the cost of installing and maintaining wired sensor networks became problematic – sometimes costing more than the sensors themselves.

Process industry practitioners are all too familiar with the complexities of wired sensor networks. They are expensive to install and maintain, requiring special signal wiring and accurate technical drawings. Furthermore, changes to or relocation of the installed environment can require major rework at a high cost and with significant impact on production and safety.
Wireless networking, on the other hand, can reduce capital expenditure significantly. Wireless systems use self-forming, self-healing mesh technology based on industrial standards, making it simpler for systems to communicate with each other.

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