CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

CM 2013 and MFPT 2013
CM 2013 and MFPT 2013

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Industrial Enterprises Reap Fast ROI From Wireless Applications

Apprion, the leader in industrial wireless application systems, today announced ION QuickStart, an industrial application starter kit that enables companies to incrementally build their wireless application infrastructure or extend wireless controls within a facility at a fraction of the cost and time it takes to install more network-wide systems.
ION QuickStart provides the quickest path for discovering or expanding on the real-time benefits of wireless monitoring systems and applications to improve safety, security, and efficiency, and meet compliance mandates. Apprion Professional Services installs the "lighthouse application" starter kits for Video, Condition Monitoring and Network Management in just a few days.
ION QuickStart kits include components such as the network infrastructure, video monitoring and wireless sensor devices to monitor the location, status, and condition of operations, assets and personnel. All ION QuickStart kits include Apprion's IONizers, industrial field appliances for processing automated data from multi-protocol, multi-vendor sensor devices and Apprion's IONosphere, a network appliance that manages enterprise-wide data services, workflow, security, monitoring and maintenance.
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